
Corns, those bothersome, thickened patches on the skin’s surface, often become a source of irritation and discomfort. Frequently making their home on the feet, corns adopt a circular or cone-shaped form and typically develop in areas subjected to persistent pressure or friction. For instance, they may emerge on the little toe due to shoe rubbing or on the ball of the foot.

While corns are sometimes mistaken for calluses, they bear distinguishing features. Corns can manifest as raised, tender bumps, characterized by rough, thickened skin that may exhibit dry or waxy qualities. Surrounding the corn, the adjacent skin often becomes inflamed. Moreover, corns tend to be smaller in size compared to calluses.

When it comes to corn treatment, the optimal approach can vary from person to person and is best determined in consultation with a specialist like James Mazur, DPM. Dr. Mazur may recommend certain over-the-counter topical products or, if necessary, prescribe more advanced treatments. Diabetic individuals should promptly seek Dr. Mazur’s guidance upon developing a corn, as even minor corns can escalate into more serious complications.

Orthotic inserts, custom-fitted by Dr. Mazur, represent another avenue for addressing corns. These inserts seamlessly integrate into your shoes, realigning the feet and modifying your gait. Properly fitted orthotics help minimize friction, subsequently reducing the formation and exacerbation of corns.

While surgical intervention for corns is rare, it is occasionally considered. Corn surgery targets the root cause of corns by addressing underlying issues. During this procedure, any abnormal bone formations are corrected, and the bone is precisely shaved to reduce friction during walking.

Prevention of corns begins with friction reduction. Always opt for well-fitting shoes that don’t cause undue rubbing. Incorporating cushioned insoles into your footwear can further diminish friction. For comprehensive guidance on corn prevention, it is advisable to consult Dr. James Mazur, DPM, and seek answers to any queries you may have regarding corn care and prevention.