Flat Feet

Flat feet, or fallen arches, is a condition characterized by the lack of a distinct arch in the foot, causing the sole to make full or nearly full contact with the ground. Approximately 20-30% of the population experiences flat feet, often due to an undeveloped arch during growth.

Flat feet can pose challenges when it comes to walking, as it places additional stress on the ankles and disrupts the natural alignment of the legs. This misalignment can lead to discomfort, particularly affecting the knees, with some individuals developing arthritis in that area. However, it’s important to note that flat feet may not always be associated with pain and, in such cases, should not be a cause for concern.

For runners, specialized shoes with enhanced ankle support and reduced pronation can help realign the ankles and provide the necessary stability. Running involves rapid weight shifting, making early identification of flat feet crucial to prevent potential injuries.

Common symptoms of flat feet include heel or arch pain, difficulty standing on tiptoes, swelling on the inside of the ankle, a visibly flattened appearance of one or both feet, and a sensation of unevenness when wearing shoes. One primary cause of flat feet is the failure to develop a proper arch. Over time, the posterior tibial tendon that runs along the inside of the ankle can weaken due to continuous stress and trauma, contributing to pain in the area.

Treatment options for flat feet are diverse. Going barefoot or wearing open-toed shoes has been shown to enhance arch strength and fullness, especially in individuals who grew up without shoes or in less enclosed footwear. Since flat feet often coincide with a weaker Achilles tendon, targeted exercises can help improve flexibility in this area. Orthopedists can provide custom shoe inserts that offer ankle support and alleviate flat feet-related symptoms. In cases of severe pain and posterior tibial tendon issues, tendon surgery may be considered as a viable option.

Dr. Mazur, with his expertise in podiatric care, can provide comprehensive assessments and personalized treatment plans to address flat feet and associated concerns. Don’t hesitate to seek professional guidance to maintain optimal foot health.